A trip to Horseshoe Bend by Robert Burgoine

US Highway 89 park the car and head down the trail to the Horseshoe Bend overlook, Horseshoe Bend is an incredible landmark inside of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The Navajo offer tours to antelope canyon however when we visited Horseshoe Bend we did not need a ticket, a tour guide, or anything. Horseshoe Bend looks down at the Colorado River, the beautiful horseshoe-shaped canyon is located near the town of Page, Arizona, in the United States. We hung out for the night taking pictures till 5 am, we experienced a small sandstorm, wind, and virtually no cellphone service at the hangover. A day prior to our arrival there was a fatality at Horeshore Bend involving one young male. This place is amazing and honestly terrifying to look over. I would highly recommend horseshoe bend for photography and video. I look forward to the day I can return.